Sleep Secrets to use during Pregnancy and Beyond

pregnant-woman-sleeping-on-side-Most of us have experienced a sleepless night or two, at times an inevitable part of life due to traveling, stress or perhaps health issues.  For many women however, becoming pregnant is the beginning of a sleepless night series without end.  Like being held hormonally hostage, a good night’s rest is now a distant memory and the magical sleep secret seems to elude, possibly forever.

Whether in the first trimester of pregnancy or in the middle of the 9th month, sleep is no doubt a more challenging experience but there are many things that one can do to make it bearable and more importantly, make sure that sleepless nights do not become a pattern or possibly a chronic sleep problem that will further complicate life once a new baby arrives.  Sleep is incredibly important while expecting, for Mom and baby’s health and to set up an essential routine that all new Mother’s need during pregnancy and beyond.

Here are a few secrets to a healthy night’s sleep that you can get started now:

  • Eat healthy well-balanced meals (at least 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies daily) in the morning to avoid nausea and several hours before bed so digestion does not interfere with restful sleep
  • Prioritize and establish a sleep routine, going to bed and waking at the same time each day to train your body, helpful once baby arrives
  • Exercise for about 30 minutes each day – you will sleep better at night
  • Sleep on your left side to improve the flow of blood and nutrients to your fetus and to your uterus and kidneys
  • Try a pregnancy pillow-When sleeping, lie on your left side with your knees and hips bent. Place pillows between your knees, under your abdomen and behind your back. This may take pressure off your lower back
  • If you can’t sleep, try to quietly take your mind off of it by reading, writing, knitting, drinking herb tea or take a warm bath
  • Avoid taking medication as it will be shared with your baby and is usually never a solution

*Be sure to tell your Doctor if you are concerned about sleep issues and make sure that exercise is safe for you since all pregnancies are so different

Wake up Beautiful:Naturally


Well, I guess this may sound like a contradiction, I know most of us don’t feel like entering a beauty contest when the alarm goes off in the morning So you have the best mattress and bedding, naturally but there a few things that can be done, with ingredients found in your very own kitchen that just might make your am a little brighter. Just take a few moments before bed and you are sure to wake up feeling like sleeping beauty herself!

Electronic Medical Records: Health Care made Simple

ImageNo doubt about it, if you have visited a hospital or medical facility lately you probably have a good idea of how complicated the entire process has become. Signing page after page of legal terminology that is meant to protect your safety and privacy as well as the hospital’s liability gives one a glimpse of the sheer volume of paperwork that any healthcare facility must manage. Just imagine what goes on behind the scenes. The last thing that a patient should be forced to worry about is their medical records so Optimus  EMR  has responded to this need with an innovative Electronic Medical Records Software.

Optimus EMR has designed a solution that organizes and enhances patient care, increases the efficiency of reimbursement and reduces operational expenses. The ability to empower staff to manage diverse and complex clinical activities increases profitability, reduces costs and most importantly, Electronic Health Records clearly reduce Facility risks.

This allows patients to concentrate on their healthcare and a recovery plan and not worry about the accuracy and availability of their clinical records. In addition, with the increasing population of senior citizens, Optimus EMR has developed a comprehensive long term care software solution. This Nursing Home Software works for organizations and chains of all sizes and needs, featuring three different starting points! The time to improve the health care experience is now, proactively reducing costs and ensuring patients an efficient and organized medical experience.



Quitting Smoking: What’s Really New?

ImageAre you as sick as I am of hearing about yet another guaranteed smoking cessation program? I think it has reached the point where I block many of these claims out, unless I can see and understand for myself why it works. Like most things in life however, especially health zapping bad habits, one must be truly motivated to make that change in order for it to really work.

The reason for giving up those toxic little treats may differ, whether it is a pressing health issue, Doctor’s orders, lifestyle change, it doesn’t matter. The point is, beating smoking is never easy. I have found that there are really no magic cures. Rather, what is needed is a very determined attitude and a strong resolve to quit. One must enter into this positive smoke-free transformation with an open mind, remembering all of the wonderful things that a life free of cigarettes will bring to smokers and their families!

Educate yourself. Instead of blocking out all that we don’t understand, learn about your body, mind and the environment in which we all live. This might be the incentive that you need to make a few changes that will enhance your life and the quality in which you live.

Beating Smoking:A new way to a healthy life

How many times do smokers make that promise to quit smoking, one more time, one more program, and yet, most of the time, one more failure. I hate to sound so hopeless but the statistics are not optimistic. Even in our increasingly health conscious society, millions of people try to quit smoking with less than a ten percent success rate. Ironically, in order to be successful at anything we must be brimming with hope and promise, approaching the change with a positive attitude.

Beating smoking is without a doubt, a major lifestyle change. Most of us are aware of the enormous health benefits of quitting the habit however this is simply not enough. Perhaps everyone has a different reason for giving up cigarettes but one thing remains constant in the success stories that I am aware of: the willingness to try something new.

Approaching this addiction beast with an open mind will allow one to absorb new concepts and one of them just might take hold! Let’s face it, smoking is no longer cool, in fact many cities have outlawed the practice altogether. When was the last time you saw a runner holding a cigarette or a soccer Mom driving to practice with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Maybe they know that health and smoking don’t mix and because most of us want to be around for awhile enjoying a quality life, make beating the smoking habit a priority!

Bradford Drug and Alcohol Treatment for your family’s health

These days it seems like everyone is interested in making those positive changes to improve their family’s health, educating themselves on the latest techniques to insure a long and productive life. One problem that is often overlooked for a variety of reasons is addiction perhaps because many people don’t view alcohol and drug addiction as medical conditions for which effective treatment is available. The good news is that help is accessible so the sooner that treatment is obtained the better chance there is for long term recovery, both physical and mental.

Bradford Health Services offers Atlanta drug abuse rehab centers that residents turn to for innovative addiction treatment which offers a follow up or “continuing care program” that many attribute their recovery to. The reason that many shorter term addiction treatments fail is because once the residential portion is complete, many addicts don’t have the strong support system needed for longer outpatient success. Whatever the demon, any major lifestyle change requires replacing the bad habits with good healthy ones. Not an easy task!

Most of us know that a life free of alcohol and drugs is imperative to a happy, healthy existence but in a world filled with increasing stress and pressure, it is easy to get caught in the downward spiral of chemical dependency. Bradford offers various programs and services that help patients and their families with their individual needs. An Atlanta Drug Rehab like no other, Bradford has been treating addiction for decades. Whatever the addiction, there is healing and there is always hope, you just have to take the first step!


Family Vacation

Posted by Gaylord Campbell

Our family does its best to go on a vacation at least once a year. Now, it’s not always something extravagant, but it’s always a chance for us to get away for a few days together to enjoy each other’s company. It gets so hard when we’re at home to spend time together. My husband and I both work, and both of the kids are involved in multiple extracurricular activities. Sometimes it feels like all we can do to make it through our days, eat a dinner, go to sleep, and wake up the next morning to do it all again. That’s why our vacations are so important to us. It definitely gets tough some years to swing it, so we do our best throughout the rest of the year to save as much money as we can for the vacation. One of the easiest ways we have found so far to save is to switch our energy providers! We’re lucky to be able to select our own based on price. Just by changing our provider last year we saved a ton of money for our trip. Take a look at shop electricity rates TEXAS to see if you can save!

Improve your Memory Naturally with Smart Snacking Super Foods

If you’re frustrated by your failing memory or are concerned about a loved one’s memory problems there just might be help on the horizon.  The good news is that you are not alone and because of that, there is an increasing concern and demand for methods to boost brain power, naturally. Exercises for the brain are certainly beneficial but recent nutritional methods that improve memory naturally have been introduced by Dr. Victor Marchione, who has been studying the healing effects of food extensively.

In his free report, you will learn about specific foods that have those memory-friendly nutrients that help you maintain optimal brain health and could very well improve your memory. So, if you are struggling to recall what you used to remember without even trying, why not learn about the magic of nutritional healing?

What have you got to lose? Download this free report here or by clicking on the image to the right and see if you can learn how to snack smart, using these 12 brain-boosting super foods to improve your memory.

The Italian Family

The article written by Landon Gilbert

My husband and I set a new year’s resolution this year to lose some weight. We’ve both been ignoring our creeping weight gain for the last few years and it’s time to step up and get healthy again. We’re both full blooded Italians, so it’s easy to understand how we got this way. Each meal revolves around mass quantities of pasta, bread and cheese: not exactly the healthiest options.

I started by using our WIRELESS INTERNET to look up some healthier, leaner recipes. It’s not as hard as I thought it would be! Turns out tomato sauce is naturally good for you, and whole wheat pasta tastes pretty much like white. We’ve made big changes in th! e amount we eat, too, and we’ve also started walking two miles every night after dinner. Not only is it good for our bodies, but it gives my husband and I time to reconnect and talk with each other. I’m really glad we’re making these changes and hope the rest of our family will follow suit when they see how good we look and feel!

Please note: Naturally Organic Sleep may or may not generate income for links/ads placed on our blog. We take great pride in what we publish and would never intentionally publish material meant to be misleading or inaccurate.

Problems with your existing mattress? Body impressions, overheating, and/or chemical sensitivities?

Good news, we can fix it!

-Body impressions: We’ll replace any compressed memory foam that result in body impressions.

*Body impressions frequently occur under the surface in memory foam mattresses. Temper Pedic’s warranty only covers the surface.

-We’ll replace damaged foam with new memory foam or superior latex (talalay or dunlop). This service actually provides a higher quality mattress than the one originally purchased!
-Overheating/ chemical sensitivities: We can replace your existing cover with an Organic cotton cover encased with organic wool.

*Many memory foam mattresses (particularly Tempurpedic) need to capture the user’s body temperature to properly adjust the support. This results in “sleeping hot”

*Since memory foam is a petroleum based product, chemically sensitive user’s find it difficult to sleep directly on these mattresses.

*Most fire retardants are comprised of toxic materials.

-By adding an organic cover, the user sleeps cooler (wool is naturally temperature neutral) and not directly on the memory foam materials. We can also remove the fire retardant sleeve (wool is an organic fire retardant). As a result not only will you sleep cooler, you’ll sleep healthier as well!

-Please Email us or call us at 650-344-0100 and we can determine how to make your existing mattress as organic, healthy, and perfect as possible!