Sleep Secrets to use during Pregnancy and Beyond

pregnant-woman-sleeping-on-side-Most of us have experienced a sleepless night or two, at times an inevitable part of life due to traveling, stress or perhaps health issues.  For many women however, becoming pregnant is the beginning of a sleepless night series without end.  Like being held hormonally hostage, a good night’s rest is now a distant memory and the magical sleep secret seems to elude, possibly forever.

Whether in the first trimester of pregnancy or in the middle of the 9th month, sleep is no doubt a more challenging experience but there are many things that one can do to make it bearable and more importantly, make sure that sleepless nights do not become a pattern or possibly a chronic sleep problem that will further complicate life once a new baby arrives.  Sleep is incredibly important while expecting, for Mom and baby’s health and to set up an essential routine that all new Mother’s need during pregnancy and beyond.

Here are a few secrets to a healthy night’s sleep that you can get started now:

  • Eat healthy well-balanced meals (at least 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies daily) in the morning to avoid nausea and several hours before bed so digestion does not interfere with restful sleep
  • Prioritize and establish a sleep routine, going to bed and waking at the same time each day to train your body, helpful once baby arrives
  • Exercise for about 30 minutes each day – you will sleep better at night
  • Sleep on your left side to improve the flow of blood and nutrients to your fetus and to your uterus and kidneys
  • Try a pregnancy pillow-When sleeping, lie on your left side with your knees and hips bent. Place pillows between your knees, under your abdomen and behind your back. This may take pressure off your lower back
  • If you can’t sleep, try to quietly take your mind off of it by reading, writing, knitting, drinking herb tea or take a warm bath
  • Avoid taking medication as it will be shared with your baby and is usually never a solution

*Be sure to tell your Doctor if you are concerned about sleep issues and make sure that exercise is safe for you since all pregnancies are so different

Wake up Beautiful:Naturally


Well, I guess this may sound like a contradiction, I know most of us don’t feel like entering a beauty contest when the alarm goes off in the morning So you have the best mattress and bedding, naturally but there a few things that can be done, with ingredients found in your very own kitchen that just might make your am a little brighter. Just take a few moments before bed and you are sure to wake up feeling like sleeping beauty herself!

Problems with your existing mattress? Body impressions, overheating, and/or chemical sensitivities?

Good news, we can fix it!

-Body impressions: We’ll replace any compressed memory foam that result in body impressions.

*Body impressions frequently occur under the surface in memory foam mattresses. Temper Pedic’s warranty only covers the surface.

-We’ll replace damaged foam with new memory foam or superior latex (talalay or dunlop). This service actually provides a higher quality mattress than the one originally purchased!
-Overheating/ chemical sensitivities: We can replace your existing cover with an Organic cotton cover encased with organic wool.

*Many memory foam mattresses (particularly Tempurpedic) need to capture the user’s body temperature to properly adjust the support. This results in “sleeping hot”

*Since memory foam is a petroleum based product, chemically sensitive user’s find it difficult to sleep directly on these mattresses.

*Most fire retardants are comprised of toxic materials.

-By adding an organic cover, the user sleeps cooler (wool is naturally temperature neutral) and not directly on the memory foam materials. We can also remove the fire retardant sleeve (wool is an organic fire retardant). As a result not only will you sleep cooler, you’ll sleep healthier as well!

-Please Email us or call us at 650-344-0100 and we can determine how to make your existing mattress as organic, healthy, and perfect as possible!

Sleeplesss in San Francisco

Bed Bugs, Dust Mites, Boric Acid? No wonder so many people have trouble sleeping…being eaten alive and poisoned by the very piece of furniture that has always brought you the greatest comfort! Your Bed.
Rock a bye baby, Nighty-Night, don’t let the bed-bugs bite…You get the picture. Am I over reacting here or are we getting mixed messages!?
Of course we all have insomnia. But-there is help my tossing and turning friends! A way to turn that tempting foam terror back into the tree top haven that you fondly remember-without spending thousands! Really.
It starts with how you look at it!
Gather together all that you hold dear, even that worn our teddy bear with one eye. Now, create your comfort zone! Can’t afford a new organic bed? Attach together a cotton and/or wool topper and comforter; Voila an organic sleep envelope that makes you feel “at home” anywhere…Add a few candles and soft music-now relax by tightening and then releasing every part of your entire body starting with your head and working down.
If you aren’t asleep by the time you get done, you will at least be tension free!
Let me know how it works!
Sweet Dreams to you all!

baby comfort

Sleep like a Baby?

Join us in San Jose, Ca. for the Fall Home Show

Sensation Green Mattress

Sensation Green Mattress

Join Naturally Organic Sleep and scads of other vendors on Friday, Saturday and Sunday –  October 16th, 17th and 18th 2009 at the San Jose Mcenery Convention Center, 150 West San Carlos St., SJ, CA 95113 for the San Jose Fall Home Show! Call us for more information; 650-344-0100 or 650-834-1499.

Look for Naturally Organic Sleep: we will be showcasing several Natura Favorites! The Sensation Mattress paired with one of our electric bases provides the ultimate in slumber euphoria – With the click of a button on the included remote control you can give yourself an invigorating massage, soothe tense, tired muscles, boost circulation by lifting head or feet, or relax your entire body, lulled to sleep with a series of light vibrations.

We will also have an array of our favorite pillows and sleep accessories available, sleep information and the option to consult with our sleep expert who will schedule you for a free sleep assessment! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Healthy Sleep Improves the quality of Life!

Chemical Free Sleep -We will show you how it will improve your performance and your quality of life!

Eco Pillows-For Sleep without chemicalsOrganic Bliss-Eco Haven Mattress by Natura

Eco Haven Mattress from Natura-All Organic - All Terrific

Stimulate SLEEP, the Economy and SAVE

Take your sleep to a DEEPER level

Take your sleep to a DEEPER level

Naturally Organic Sleep will take your sleep to a deeper level!

We will give you up to $500 for your old mattress, with the purchase of a new one!

New Mattress

New Mattress


  • Do you wake frequently during the night?
  • Do you suffer from allergies?
  • Is lack of sleep affecting your life, WORK, RELATIONSHIPS?
  • Do you need medication to sleep at night?
  • Do you wake up soar & TIRED?
  • Is your mattress old and showing signs of wear?

BE sure to check out our webite for more sleep resources

Naturally Organic Sleep –
